Monday, December 27, 2010

Full of Emotions...

Christmas is over and all the decorations are coming down. Normally, I would be dreading going back to school for the spring semester; however, not this year… In just two short weeks I will be embarking on one of the most exciting times of my life (well, up to this point at least). In fourteen days, I will be on a plane to Manila, Philippines for seventeen weeks (the more and more I say 17 weeks the longer it feels…) So far, when people have asked me if I am nervous or scared, I have simply responded, “ahh… not really.” As I am sitting here typing this, I am feeling a mixture of emotions. #1 Excited: I love to travel and I love new things; both a huge part of this trip, which makes me bubbling with eagerness!!! #2 Nervous: I am not super world traveler and my perfectionist self wants to make sure I have all I need (or will ever think of needing) before I leave. While this will simply be impossible, my OCD tendencies can’t help themselves. #3 Overwhelmed: from experience, every time the Lord has taken me out of my comfort zone, He has also rocked my world. I can’t help but think of all the ways I will be different after this experience. I desire to mature spiritually, mentally, and physically while I am gone; all the while falling more in love with Jesus. #4 Attached: This is the one that is a little difficult to describe (for those of you who don’t know me, I am not real good and describing how I feel). I have this feeling of needing/wanting to spend as much time with each person I love so much in the next two weeks. Impossible Nonetheless, I am learning to cherish each moment with those close to me before I fly off to Manila. #5 Thankful: The icing on the cake. I can’t even describe (see, there I go again…) to you how thankful I am for the people who have supported me financially and prayerfully in this journey. The Lord has strategically placed so many people in my path that have nudged, shoved, and pushed me to surrender this to the Lord. I can’t wait to see how the Lord is going to rock my life. Thanks for following me on this journey. It means the world to me. I love each of you dearly.

In Him, Madison

Financial Support: I still need about 1,000 in the next two weeks. If you would like to help me make it to Manila, please send your check to- PO Box 209 Stantonsburg, NC 27883.

Prayer Requests: Travel Details, Finances, Preparations for leaving

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