One Month, Thirty One Days, until I am on a plane headed to Manila, Philippines for 17 weeks. Honestly, at this very moment the thought of leaving in a month is surreal. So far, the Lord has made this journey exciting, interesting, surprising, and a little nerve racking; but most of all, the Lord has made this journey about Himself. From the beginning, I set out to go where the Lord could be given the most glory. There were several times when I wanted to give up (well, I did give up until the Lord kicked me back into gear) and there were times when I just had no clue what to do next. It has been a beautiful journey of trusting the Lord and realizing that I don’t have to know the next step. Over and over, the Lord has reminded me that He “is the one who goes ahead of me” and He “is the one who will be with me and not fail or forsake me”. He has reminded me that I should “not fear or be dismayed”. (Deut 31:8) God is good. As I am finalizing minor details and raising my remaining support necessary to leave, I am overwhelmed by the confirmation and reminder of the Lord’s hand in this whole journey. There have been numerous people that have been critical in the process (Mom, Dad, Michael, The Halseys, Professors, Friends and Family). I can’t thank them enough. I would like to end with a quote that I have been playing over and over in my head. May you read it, read it again, let it sink in and reflect on how good our God is to us. So so good.
Prayer Requests: Financial Support (lack about $1,000), Details with Visa and Shots, Lord prepare my heart
Financial Support: PO BOX 209 Stantonsburg, NC 27883
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