"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20
Thank you so much for reading my blog and praying for me as I take this step. This blog is an attempt at keeping as many people informed about my journey to the Philippines as possible. I want people to be able to read along as I take the gospel to the ends of the earth, well about 8,500 miles across the world. So as you read, I pray the Lord teaches you, encourages you and fuels your passion for His glory.
So first things first, you might be wondering how I ended up in the Philippines. Honestly, that is a great question. I have been wrestling with how to answer this question. To begin, the journey did not just start this week, last month, a few weeks ago, but it goes way back to my high school days. Just to give a short recap, the Lord placed a passion in my heart to take the gospel to the ends of the earth at Camp Lapihio my junior year of high school. Since then the Lord has grown that desire in my heart day by day. I wish I could remember all the specific times of confirmation from the Lord, but I do know this has been an ongoing process leading up to this point. In the fall of 2009, I began my process for applying for student teaching. I sent applications to several nations around the world requesting to do my student teaching at their international school. Through a series of closed doors and open doors, the Lord led me to Faith Academy in Manila, Philippines. After making the decision to do my student teaching at Faith, the Lord bombarded me with confirmation after confirmation. In a matter of a couple weeks, the Lord had brought specific people to answer my questions, pray with me and help me finalize the trip (The Halsey’s, Peace Church-Tony Sebastian and Brian Tippett, Alana Jones, Glenn Kurka). God is so good!!!
So what’s next! I am in the process of raising about $6,000 to fund my trip, applying for my visa, and getting the little details in place. I plan to fly out on January 10, 2010. Thank you for taking the time to read this post. To be continued…
Serving Him,
Prayer Requests: Financial Needs-Surgery on November 22-Small details that need to be finalized-the Lord continue to prepare my heart for this journey
Support: If you would like to support me financially, please send checks to: PO Box 209 Stantonsburg, NC 27883
We are so excited to follow and pray for your journey! We will be mailing your support check soon! Haven't forgot... just keep getting sidetracked! Love you lots!!