Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Yard Sale Results

“Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2

As you guys may remember, I had a sweet and awesome yard sale Friday and Saturday in hopes to raise the remains of my support needed for my trip to the Philippines. We had so many wonderful people donate clothes, household items, and many other things to help me raise the money! Let me just begin by saying, I had NO idea what the Lord had in store to bless me with. He went over and above. Doesn’t He always! We started about 10:00 am on Friday and didn’t stop until Saturday about noon. I was able to share with so many people the love and joy of Christ! By Saturday we were down to mainly women’s and little boys clothes. I began to pray about what to do with the remaining items. But the Lord knew where it was needed already. I was able to pack about 8 HUGE boxes to take to a family of 13 in need. The mother has an inoperable brain tumor and is in need of a miracle. Although, I wasn’t able to help medically, the Lord gave me an opportunity to show His love by blessing them with all of these clothes. Overall, the Yard Sale was a huge success of blessing and giving. Thanks for your support and help during this event. Continue to keep me in your prayers as I am preparing to leave in January.

Prayer Request: Recovery from surgery, Filipino People, and financial support

Financial Support: PO Box 209 Stantonsburg, NC 27883

All for His Glory,

Madison Clair

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