Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"Some wish to live within the sound of Church; I want to run a Rescue Shop within a yard of hell."

CT Studd

November 10, 2010 is exactly two months before I fly 8,500 miles to Manila, Philippines! The Journey is becoming more and more real as the days progress. I have just received my housing placement for the 17 weeks of my stay. A precious teacher at Faith Academy has opened her home to me while I am at Faith. She is a teacher at Faith and is currently in the process of adopting a two year old Filipino boy (who is so stinking cute, if I might add). I am so greatful for the opportunity to live in a Filipino neighborhood immersed in the culture. I am even more excited that I get to ride public transportation to school! In the Philippines they drive Jeepneys (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeepney)! It kinda reminds me of the safari trucks at Disney world. Well, except not the same thing at all. I can see it now, “The lone American girl who falls off the Jeepney in route to Faith!” I can’t be more excited!

In other news, I have decided to have a “Mad’s Mission Yard Sale” on November 19-20 in North Carolina. I am about $3,000 short of having enough money to go, and I really feel as if the Lord is calling me to personal sacrifice to be able to make it to the Philippines. I am asking any of my friends and family to donate any items that they wish as a support for my trip. I pray that the Lord blesses and that I may even be able to share the gospel at the yard sale! Such a beautiful thing to be able to share where the Lord is taking me and the good news of the gospel! (Keep that in your prayers!)

In the last few days, the Lord has really reminded me that He is so good. Many times throughout this journey of obedience to the command of the gospel, I have been discouraged and down, but every single time the Lord is quick to remind me that He is faithful. My one prayer is this, “I do believe That you are faithful, good, and Sovereign-, but Lord, please help my unbelief!” I pray the Lord reminds you of the same!

Prayer Request: Upcoming surgery: Nov 22, finances, Yard Sale-share with unbelievers who come, travel documents

Support: Please send all checks to: PO Box 209 Stantonsburg, NC 27883

Serving Him, Madison

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