Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A few things.

Here are a few things I miss about the States and a few things I don’t:
1. Milk. This is probably my #1 thing that I miss. (well, food wise.) You can buy milk, but its expensive and just not the same.
2. Friends and Family. I definitely took it for granted, being able to make a quick call (at a normal hour) or send a quick text. I have to be much more intentional now.
3. Super Stores. It used to be so easy to run to Target or Wal-Mart. Not so much anymore because that doesn’t really exist here.
4. I don’t miss the cold weather. Since I am here during the U.S. winter season, I have completely skipped the cold, snow and chill!
5. Super Stores. In the same token, I don’t really miss them because I like buying things from people (as opposed to businesses). It is exciting to go to someone’s sari sari (little store) down the street and buy butter if you need it!
6. Cheese. While we have cheese here, it’s expensive and hard to find. Who would have thought that there were so many things that are so much better with cheese.
7. Liberty University. I miss the community, speakers, atmosphere. The bad news is I am about to graduate.
8. American Dream. I don’t miss it one bit. It makes me sick to think of all the money that is in the States (even if we are in a depression) compared with all of the people who are starving and dying from preventable diseases.
9. Clean Air. I miss the country air with no pollution and smog. Manila is nice, but you have to wonder how much pollution I actually ingest in a day!

Hope you enjoyed reading! Just in case you were wondering I am going to have a gallon of milk and a block of cheese as soon as I get off the plane! Have a terrific Thursday!


  1. madison... love your blog.. :)

    1. UHT milk here is best when it is ICE cold.
    2. i hear you there..... :/
    3. SM! they're everywhere! :)
    4. here here!!
    5. LOVE sari sari stores.. :)
    6. yes..i miss cheese. especially boconccini.......... :'(
    7. go back to school somewhere! :)
    8. ME TOO..the western dream... ugh.
    9. and you're "out there"..we live in makati... bah!

    was awesome meeting u at malabon..
    love reading.. i'll be back. xo

  2. Thanks for reading Tracey! Its nice to have some comments from people who can relate!
