Friday, February 25, 2011

Daniel- the coolest two year old I know

I have a new friend. Many of you probably would recognize him or have asked me to bring him home with me; however, while bringing him home with me is not an option, (Kim, my roommate, would definitely not go for that…) he has stolen my heart. Sweet Daniel. Before coming to the Philippines, I saw pictures of Daniel and thought to myself, “I am going to get attached to him, I just know it”; and sure enough, here I am 6 weeks later wondering how hard it is going to be to say goodbye in May. Daniel is in the process of being adopted by Kim, my roommate. He used to live at Gentle Hands-the orphanage that I LOVE to go to on the weekends. We have become quite close and he melts my heart on a daily basis.

It is always nice to wake up to “SIN!!! Wake up!” followed by a little hand grabbing yours telling you to “COME.” Then there are the wonderful guitar concerts wearing nothing but Elmo briefs, if that. Daniel has brought new meaning to heights and climbing; his favorite being the barred door. If you get hurt, Daniel is quick to the rescue to “elp” you up and fix your ouch. I love to try to figure out what words he is trying to say when pee pee, sleeping, and beep beep all sound the exact same. Daniel loves to read, spell and count-with the exception of number 8.

With all of the funny moments, this precious little two year old has taught me a few valuable lessons: 1) When you get an ow (a hurt), kisses always make it better, 2) Jumping always makes things more fun, 3) Please and Thank you are the magic words!, 4) It doesn’t matter what color, size, shape or nationality a person is to be friends!

Thanks for reading. Hope to write again soon!

-Madison (

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Faithful Future..

“You make known to me the path of life; In your presence is fullness of joy; In your right hand there are pleasures forever.” Psalm 16:11

[So, what are you going to do when you graduate in May?] If I had a peso for every time someone in the States or here asked me that question, I would be very rich. No offense if you have been one to ask me. It’s a really good question; one that has been flooding my thoughts for many months now, but has yet to be answered. Get a job in the States? Apply to teach at Faith Academy in Manila? Try to teach at IS of Manila or Brent? Teach at Prodigy Discovery Playschool? Go to seminary? Get my masters? Do something completely different that is not even on my radar? I am struggling with the desire to be faithful in the future, but continue to live in the moment God has given me! I have wrestled with the idea of many different things and not until just recently did I come to a solid conclusion… drum roll please… And the answer is: It is totally and completely not up to me! Praise the Lord. I am so relieved to know that I am not in control of my future. I have begun working through the process of finding the balance of being proactive and not being lazy. I want the Lord to have complete control over my future because I am completely surrendered to Him.

Now this may not be the answer you thought I was going to give and honestly it was never the answer I was looking for. I have struggled with a control issue in my life (it is definitely a thorn in my flesh), but I have started to figure out that the Lord has His own perfect agenda. I am still working through this surrender in my life starting with my list of what I do know: 1) I do know that I am called to the international mission field. God has made it evident in the last few weeks that this is where my heart is and to deny that would be direct disobedience. 2) I have a large sum of student loans that I must pay off before I can serve as a full-support missionary. I am still praying that the Lord would grant me freedom from those loans. 3) I know that I am called to be a teacher for God’s precious children. I love kids of all kinds (red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight). I love kids with special needs. I want to help kids succeed and to develop passions and desires to serve the Lord! 4) God is still on His throne. God is still good. God is so faithful. I do know that no matter what if I allow the Lord to direct my path, His plan will give me more peace and more joy than anything I could have imagined. I just have to trust Him. With everything.


Prayer Requests: -Wisdom and Discernment-Safety and Protection-Financial Status-More opportunities to witness to those around me

Mail:[I love encouragement and mail!]

Faith Academy
MCPO Box 2016
0706 Makati City

Sunday, February 13, 2011

From a heavy heart.

I began to write this post several times. Not knowing where to start or how to unload my thoughts into words. Tonight, I am hurting for this precious little boy at the local orphanage that is soon to be with Jesus. Although I have only known little Christian for a few weeks, it was extremely difficult to watch his fragile little body seize. Unconscious. After weeks of praying, “Lord, break my heart for what breaks Yours”, I can only imagine that it breaks His heart to see one of His dear children dying. I walked away from what would have been a normal Sunday evening (at Gentle Hands with the precious children) with a heart full of emotions. In my head, I am trying to grasp how this is alright and how the Lord can allow this to happen. He is completely able to heal his little body; but, in my heart I know that sweet Christian will be with Jesus soon, safe in His arms. Somehow this must bring glory to God?

Psalm 34:18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Psalm 147:5 Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.

[Precious Jesus, I am full of brokenness for one of your own is hurting tonight. Soon sweet Christian will be with You. Lord, wrap your arms around him now and sing sweetly over him as he rests. I do not understand, for Your ways are much higher than my ways; but Lord somehow I pray that you would work in my heart. I love you Jesus.]

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I conquered Taal Volcano!

This past week I had the privilege of traveling to Taal Volcano and experiencing a week of Middle School Outdoor Education with Faith Academy! When I was told I could go with the group of 200 middle schoolers plus staff on this trip, I had no idea what I was in for! I had such an amazing week of roughing it and real encounters with the Lord. Here are a few snippets from my journal for the week:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Today, the seniors and a few staff left for Taal Volcano! We took a short jeepney and a banca (small boat) to the main island. Prior to this day, the water on the lake was very choppy and we weren’t even sure if the boats would make it over; however, today the water was smooth and calm. The Lord answers prayers! After arriving to the island, we unloaded the bancas and set up the Taal Camp. This involved tents made of tarp and a CR (comfort room- aka toilet) that was a big hole in the ground. We started our hike up the volcano around lunch time. It was so very hot, but when we got to the top it was totally worth it. The water was bubbling hot in some places and the volcano was surrounded by hot sulfur mud. That I accidentally sunk into, blistering my heel. I actually got within a few inches of the main fumeral! After the hike, we rode the banca back right about the time the sun was setting. It was a great, hard, awesome day!

Monday: February 7, 2011

Today, we went up to the school that we are going to be doing ministry at and met the teachers. The teachers were so welcoming and greeted us with banana lumpia and coke! The school, San Isidro Itaas, was beautiful and simple. I am so excited to work with the kids in the following days! We also visited Pastor Vick and Raquel’s house and church. It was an open air church on the top of this mountain. The pastor and his wife produce soya to make soy milk that they feed to the malnourished kids in the area. It was definitely a reminder that church is not about the building, but about the presence of God. Thank you Lord for being more than the structure we go to. Thank you for your presence.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

We were up early to have devotions and breakfast, before helping the kids load up and move out to their sites. During the week the students stay at three sites: Reef, Taal, and Beach (Base) Camp. After the traffic calms down, I helped prepare the stuff for the chicken kill before leacing for ministry. This was our first day at the school with the kids. It was great! The boys painted a cross walk for the school and the principal was so thankful! In the afternoon, we taught the kids how to kill, clean and prepare their chickens! It was an interesting event and some of the kids were rather disgusted! I now can say I know how to kill, clean and prepare a chicken! I am not sure if that’s a good thing!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This morning I rode on the back of a jeepney for the first time! It was awesome! I can’t wait to do it again! We were able to paint the gate at the school today! It looked really good after the students were done. Today, I realized what wonderful Godly mentors the Lord has placed in my life. I have had the privilege of learning and gleaning wisdom from two women at Faith Academy. I am serving right beside them this week and it has really made me appreciate their Godly influence in my life. God is so good.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Today was the last day at the school doing ministry and painting. We were able to paint the inside walls of the church to help Pastor Vick and Raquel. The Lord definite honored His Word and the Holy Spirit showed up at San Isidro Itaas. Over 100 children and 8 adults prayed to receive Christ! God is so good. I was overwhelmed with the presence of the Lord and how He moved in such a huge way! In three days, we have killed over 50 chickens! PETA would not be happy. I will sleep good tonight because I am completely exhausted!

Friday, February 11, 2011

The week is over and we are packing up the cars and heading back to Manila. This week has truly been amazing and the Lord has been so faithful to move in the hearts of His people. I pray that I continue to allow the Lord to use me in a way that honors and glorifies Him above all else!

Father, thank you for your safety and presence this week during outdoor education. I pray that you take the seeds that were planted and continue to nourish them until their hearts are enlightened with Your goodness. I pray that whoever reads this blog will be encouraged and draw closer to You. Lord, make us more like your Son, Jesus. Amen



Faith Academy
MCPO Box 2016
0706 Makati City