Thursday, February 3, 2011

Life's not fair. God is good.

Life is so not fair. Seriously, I look all around me and see so many things that I think are not fair. Like a boy from my high school passing away after having the flu, a friend getting paralyzed after a football tackle, the number of orphans in the world, people starving and living in squatter towns, and I could go on. More now than ever in my whole life have I began to wrestle with this great question: Why aren’t things fair? Fair: impartial and unprejudiced.

“Really God, I don’t understand. If you love us so much then why are all these things happening that are not fair. Why is there so much pain and suffering in the world?” I was brutally honest with the Lord and myself in the emotions I have been feeling. I felt like it wasn’t fair that I was born into such a great life while there are so many who are suffering. These feelings continued to build for the next several days becoming more and more overwhelming. I begged God for some sort of answer or peace. And then one night, alone with the Lord in my room, I was overcome with the peace of God.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 Well that’s not fair at all is it? God sent His only Son WHILE WE WERE STILL SINNERS to die for our sins, to take our place. God is not fair! Praise the Lord! If God were fair, the all of us would have no hope of ever spending eternity with God. But God is a just God. Just: honorable in one’s dealings and actions. God is a good God. Good: morally excellent. The Lord flooded my heart with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude.

I came to the conclusion in my heart: Life is never fair because sin is present, but God is always good. He sent His son to take what was for us, what was fair, and in exchange we get eternal life with Him. God is good. So despite the suffering and grievances in our lives, never forget Romans 5:8: “While we were STILL sinners”.

“Abba Father, Thank You for not being fair and giving us what we really deserved. Thank you for being just and for being good. You deserve all of our praise. Give us a peace when dealing with the things of this world and may we always give you the glory. Amen”


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