“You make known to me the path of life; In your presence is fullness of joy; In your right hand there are pleasures forever.” Psalm 16:11
[So, what are you going to do when you graduate in May?] If I had a peso for every time someone in the States or here asked me that question, I would be very rich. No offense if you have been one to ask me. It’s a really good question; one that has been flooding my thoughts for many months now, but has yet to be answered. Get a job in the States? Apply to teach at Faith Academy in Manila? Try to teach at IS of Manila or Brent? Teach at Prodigy Discovery Playschool? Go to seminary? Get my masters? Do something completely different that is not even on my radar? I am struggling with the desire to be faithful in the future, but continue to live in the moment God has given me! I have wrestled with the idea of many different things and not until just recently did I come to a solid conclusion… drum roll please… And the answer is: It is totally and completely not up to me! Praise the Lord. I am so relieved to know that I am not in control of my future. I have begun working through the process of finding the balance of being proactive and not being lazy. I want the Lord to have complete control over my future because I am completely surrendered to Him.
Now this may not be the answer you thought I was going to give and honestly it was never the answer I was looking for. I have struggled with a control issue in my life (it is definitely a thorn in my flesh), but I have started to figure out that the Lord has His own perfect agenda. I am still working through this surrender in my life starting with my list of what I do know: 1) I do know that I am called to the international mission field. God has made it evident in the last few weeks that this is where my heart is and to deny that would be direct disobedience. 2) I have a large sum of student loans that I must pay off before I can serve as a full-support missionary. I am still praying that the Lord would grant me freedom from those loans. 3) I know that I am called to be a teacher for God’s precious children. I love kids of all kinds (red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight). I love kids with special needs. I want to help kids succeed and to develop passions and desires to serve the Lord! 4) God is still on His throne. God is still good. God is so faithful. I do know that no matter what if I allow the Lord to direct my path, His plan will give me more peace and more joy than anything I could have imagined. I just have to trust Him. With everything.
Prayer Requests: -Wisdom and Discernment-Safety and Protection-Financial Status-More opportunities to witness to those around me
Mail:[I love encouragement and mail!]
Faith Academy
MCPO Box 2016
0706 Makati City
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