Monday, January 31, 2011

Overwhelmed with His goodness...

[This is my desire to honor You. Lord, with all my heart I worship You. All I have within me, I give you praise. All that I adore is in You. Lord, I give you my heart, I give you my soul. I live for you alone. Every breath that I take, every moment I’m awake; Lord have Your way in me.]

After almost exactly three weeks in country, I am still trying to figure things out. The culture, yes, but even more I have been wrestling within my heart; wrestling with the emotion of being in country and realizing that there are so many hurting, poor and lost people in the Philippines. Initially I was really speechless when I witnessed the poverty, squatter communities and the volume of orphans in the Philippines (even in the little portion I have seen), then my feelings turned to overwhelmed and burdened. It wasn’t until this past week that I was really able to sort my feelings out and come some sort of temporary place of peace and rest with the issue. On one hand, it leaves me feeling like I should drop all that I am doing and just fix it! Knowing, that is generally not how the Lord works. I have this overwhelming desire to do something, whether big or small to help these people see the love of Jesus. It breaks my heart to see these people suffering and hurting; however, on the other hand, I have to think: what can little ol’ me do? I don’t have a job, I HAVE student loans and I am single. Can you see where this is going? After trying to somehow balance these two extreme feelings out, I have come to some sort of a conclusion. Its two parts, so get ready! I have full confidence that the Lord knows my abilities and my heart. He knows how I can change the world for His glory. He knows my next move and step. Good thing, because I don’t want that responsibility. This gives me great peace because I don’t have to figure it all out… My immediate responsibility is to be faithful in the small things the Lord has given me to do right now. Secondly, my life will never amount to His best if I live within the realm of practicality. A very wise woman once said, “Practical? Since when is [serving the Lord] practical?” (this is a paraphrase) I learned so much in that one conversation because in my limited little mind, I revert to what is practical and reality. I say: “Reality is I have student loans.” God says, “Reality is I am in control and I can take care of those loans. Obey me.” Whoa, talk about smack in the face. So I am turning a new leaf. I don’t want to live by the “practical” rules of life. I want to live a life for the glory of God, whether that means her or there or wherever. I want to be found faithful in the little things, so that the Lord will trust me with the BIG things!

I pray you were somehow encouraged by my meager words. May the Lord bless you and keep you today! Thanks for your prayers and support! Hopefully more to come soon…



Financial Support: PO BOX 209 Stantonsburg, NC 27883

Prayer Requests: -Outdoor Education: February 5-11; Continued health and safety!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Top Ten :)

Here are a ten of my tops for my first few weeks in the Philippines:

1. 1. Ants are my new best friend: they are everywhere, even the shower!

2. 2. Accidently sitting in a Filipino’s lap when getting on a Jeepney, doesn’t exactly spell a good idea. Whoops!

3. 3. Just because I am white, doesn’t mean I don’t know how much things cost. Thank you Mr. Jeepney driver for trying to keep my change.

4. 4. Ear plugs are good for drowning out the sounds of our next door roosters, and the alarm clock.

5. 5. Filipino kids are the cutest, especially my buddy, Daniel.

6. 6. Missionaries are often good at sharing, quite like Jesus commanded us in the Bible.

7. 7. You should always let the driver know a second time when you get off, or he will gun it through the traffic past your stop.

8. 8. If you want to live in the Philippines, you better like to eat rice. A lot.

9. 9. Some people say jet lag only lasts a short time, I disagree.

10. 10. My life has already been changed forever. For His Glory.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Double Rainbow...

The general problem with asking the Lord to find favor on you and allow you to suffer for His Name is that the Lord hears our prayers. I think that sometimes He hears our small words (that we sometimes don’t know the full effect of what we pray) and grins because He knows that we have no idea what we are asking for. So after praying that the Lord would teach me and train me through suffering: enters Today. It would have been a lovely day if I hadn’t started it off by oversleeping (ear plugs to drown out the rooster sounds from outside also drown out your alarm). After rushing out the door, I hustled down the street to grab a jeepney when it starts raining. I didn’t have an umbrella or coat. So I just chuckle to myself and wonder what else I might encounter today (still trying to keep a smile). I caught my ride up the hill to school and arrived just in time to witness a double rainbow. How thankful I am for the little reminders of God’s precious promises to us. I went along with my day and after arriving to HS Science I was informed that I was late: the schedule changed for Spiritual Enrichment week. So for my first day of teaching solo I was late. I swallowed my pride and tried to teach without melting down right there in the class. After I left the class, I prayed “Lord, thank you for the reminder that I am not in control: now can you please let me finish MY day.” I think the Lord just grinned knowing how incapable I was to actually run my own day. A couple hours later I am on my way to my next class I teach solo and one of my students stops me in the hall and says, “Where were you today? You missed class.” I question her and figure out that the schedule was all changed again and I had actually completely missed my class. Seriously? After school , I had to go to the immigration office to extend my visa. When we arrived I realized I didn’t have enough cash. So I ran across the street to the bank, slipping on my way down the hill. I return to the desk and get my receipt realizing they charged me almost double the actual cost. We left the office and I thought to myself, really could this day be any worse? At that moment, the Lord whispered to me, “I am in control.” I quickly ran through my entire day, realizing that while I had tried to keep a smile on the outside, on the inside I was a mess.

I learned a few critical lessons today, as a child of God and as a missionary: 1) Things don’t always go as planned: and that’s OK! In life and on the mission field, the idea is to do God’s perfect work; but there is one problem: we are trying to do it with imperfect people. Nothing is going to be smooth, but that does not mean the Lord isn’t in control or involved. 2) I have no idea what suffering for Christ looks like or the trust in God it requires. I asked to suffer for the Lord, and yet I could barely make it not even 24 hours without wanting to crawl back in bed. The Lord reminded me today that suffering for Him is not about me, it’s about His glory; Completely for His Glory. 3) God is in control. As a daughter of the King, I do not have to be in charge or responsible for making my day work out perfectly. Praise the Lord. No matter what I think is falling apart or not going as planned: God is still on His throne. I am so thankful that I am not in charge, but that I have an intimacy with the One who is.

I want to leave you with this one thing. Don’t ever forget that God is in control and that He totally and completely cares about the details of your life. He really cares. He is bigger than any problem. He is understanding and compassionate. Rest in that truth, friends. Be encouraged.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sunday Ramblings....

We're not doubting that God will do the best for us,

we're wondering how painful the best will turn out to be-CSLewis

Immediately after deciding to follow the Lord in obedience to the Philippines, I began to wrestle with thoughts and emotions surrounding my faith. I didn’t know what to expect coming 8,500 miles from my “comfort” zone and even more I wasn’t sure how I would handle the brokenness and poverty in this nation. If you know anything about me, you probably have figured out that I am very sensitive and have a super tender heart. Sometimes a good thing, other times not so much. Anytime you travel outside of what you are used to, things such as squatter houses, beggars, and children without moms and dads are definitely going to become more obvious. I knew that this was going to be hard for me and that the Lord would not withhold my brokenness just for this specific situation. After wrestling with these things fast forward to my actual arrival. Initially, I arrive and it was dark (since my plan was super late getting in-Thanks Tom!), so I was not able to see the condition and culture that night. The next day we took a trip to the school’s play ground-boy was I in for an awakening. On the way (in a more decent part of town, mind you) I was flooded with squatter houses, people crowding the streets and beggars coming to the window for money or food. This changed my whole outlook on the situation, instead of thinking of how I would personally react to the condition and culture, I had an immediate new perspective. I began to think, Why? How come we can’t fix this? What are Christians doing about this problem? I suppose this was a result of two things: First, my American “View” on how things in the world are supposed to look (which is definitely the WRONG perspective) and Secondly, I needed to understand suffering.

The Lord must have heard my thoughts and so graciously allowed me to begin to grasp a new outlook. Today at UCM, the pastor preached on Suffering: Why? He presented three kinds of suffering: Common (because I am a human), Carnal (because I sin), and Christian ( because I am a believer). Although not entirely aligned with what I was mulling over, I began to see these sufferings as a way to learn about the Lord. 1 Peter 4 has some great truths about the suffering of Christians and how it effects us (go check it out!). The verse that changed my whole perspective was Romans 8:17 “Since we are God’s children… if we share in Christ’s suffering we will also share in His glory.” Wow, I want His glory! I know that I have in no way suffered at the level of many of my Christian brothers and sisters, but I pray that I learn to turn my level of suffering into teachable moments for His glory and future plans for me. I pray that the Lord finds favor on me to suffer for His Name.

I hope this made some sense; if my words were all jumbled, I pray the Hold Spirit encourage you in some way through reading this. Thanks again for your prayers. I hope to write more soon! Check out my facebook for more frequent updates and previous blogs for addresses for support and mail Have a wonderful Sunday.

Awaiting His return, Mads

Mailing Address:

Faith Academy
MCPO Box 2016
0706 Makati City

Friday, January 21, 2011

The first week...

Today was my last day of my first full week of student teaching at Faith Academy in Manila, Philippines. When I arrived to the school last Friday, I knew from the start that I was going to fall in love with the school and the people who worked there. Boy was I right. From the first day on campus I began to build a relationship with the people I was working with and the students. For the first 7 weeks I am teaching high school and middle school special education. The students I have are amazing! I also have the opportunity to work directly with Mr. and Mrs. Stroud-Lusk, who are like a super cool mom and dad. They are so helpful, loving, and tease me a little too! Everyone knows I am gullible and naïve. I just found out yesterday that I get to be a part of Outdoor Education. Are you ready for this? Outdoor Ed is a weeklong adventure that the school takes all the middle schoolers on to learn about the environment and such. This year the students are going to Tohol, a volcano site, and another beach site with coral reef. The students also learn how to kill and prepare a chicken! I know what you are thinking, are you sure you want to go Mads? I am super pumped! I get to help with the cooking and the ministry projects that the students do during the week! I am actually excited about “roughing” it for the week and getting to know my students better! Overall, I am so attached already to Faith Academy and its teachers. It is such a breath of fresh air to be surrounded by people who have the same vision, mind and passions all using them to serve the Lord to the best of their surrendered ability.

On a completely different note, I have spent several hours in the last week at the local orphanages. I had the opportunity to go to TLC- the Little Children’s Home on Saturday and Gentle Hands on Sunday. I am in love. I held so many sweet babies and played with some awesome kids. It amazes me to see the great need that these kids have; I was blown away by the level of surrender in the lives of the families who run the orphanage and their commitment to see the gospel worked out in their daily lives. They give up their freedoms, privacy, and time to serve these children. I am completely hooked. If I could I would fill my suitcase and bring them all home with me. (that might not be a good put them in my suitcase.) Oh, did I mention we borrowed one of the sweet babies for the weekend? I can’t wait to go again on Sunday to do some more cuddling.

Ok. So I realize I am not the best communicator or the most eloquent with my words, but I am trying to do my best to spill out all the things that have happened and all the things in my head on paper for you to read. It’s hard, but stick with me. Thanks for faithfully reading and praying. You guys are the best. Dad is getting a box to send with someone coming to the Philippines from the states so if you want to send me a letter or whatnot send it to the address below by January 30. K. thanks


Mailing Address: Madison Wheeler, 4432 Brookfield Drive, Wilson, NC 27896

Financial Support: Madison Wheeler, PO BOX 209, Stantonsburg, NC 27883

Prayer Requests:

- - That the Lord would open doors for me to build relationships and share His glory with those around me.

- - Families for all of these precious children at the orphanages

- - A greater reality of the sin in the world and a vision of taking the gospel to the nations

- - Wisdom and Discernment for the future