We're not doubting that God will do the best for us,
we're wondering how painful the best will turn out to be-CSLewis
Immediately after deciding to follow the Lord in obedience to the Philippines, I began to wrestle with thoughts and emotions surrounding my faith. I didn’t know what to expect coming 8,500 miles from my “comfort” zone and even more I wasn’t sure how I would handle the brokenness and poverty in this nation. If you know anything about me, you probably have figured out that I am very sensitive and have a super tender heart. Sometimes a good thing, other times not so much. Anytime you travel outside of what you are used to, things such as squatter houses, beggars, and children without moms and dads are definitely going to become more obvious. I knew that this was going to be hard for me and that the Lord would not withhold my brokenness just for this specific situation. After wrestling with these things fast forward to my actual arrival. Initially, I arrive and it was dark (since my plan was super late getting in-Thanks Tom!), so I was not able to see the condition and culture that night. The next day we took a trip to the school’s play ground-boy was I in for an awakening. On the way (in a more decent part of town, mind you) I was flooded with squatter houses, people crowding the streets and beggars coming to the window for money or food. This changed my whole outlook on the situation, instead of thinking of how I would personally react to the condition and culture, I had an immediate new perspective. I began to think, Why? How come we can’t fix this? What are Christians doing about this problem? I suppose this was a result of two things: First, my American “View” on how things in the world are supposed to look (which is definitely the WRONG perspective) and Secondly, I needed to understand suffering.
The Lord must have heard my thoughts and so graciously allowed me to begin to grasp a new outlook. Today at UCM, the pastor preached on Suffering: Why? He presented three kinds of suffering: Common (because I am a human), Carnal (because I sin), and Christian ( because I am a believer). Although not entirely aligned with what I was mulling over, I began to see these sufferings as a way to learn about the Lord. 1 Peter 4 has some great truths about the suffering of Christians and how it effects us (go check it out!). The verse that changed my whole perspective was Romans 8:17 “Since we are God’s children… if we share in Christ’s suffering we will also share in His glory.” Wow, I want His glory! I know that I have in no way suffered at the level of many of my Christian brothers and sisters, but I pray that I learn to turn my level of suffering into teachable moments for His glory and future plans for me. I pray that the Lord finds favor on me to suffer for His Name.
I hope this made some sense; if my words were all jumbled, I pray the Hold Spirit encourage you in some way through reading this. Thanks again for your prayers. I hope to write more soon! Check out my facebook for more frequent updates and previous blogs for addresses for support and mail Have a wonderful Sunday.
Awaiting His return, Mads
Mailing Address:
Faith Academy
MCPO Box 2016
0706 Makati City
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