Friday, January 28, 2011

Top Ten :)

Here are a ten of my tops for my first few weeks in the Philippines:

1. 1. Ants are my new best friend: they are everywhere, even the shower!

2. 2. Accidently sitting in a Filipino’s lap when getting on a Jeepney, doesn’t exactly spell a good idea. Whoops!

3. 3. Just because I am white, doesn’t mean I don’t know how much things cost. Thank you Mr. Jeepney driver for trying to keep my change.

4. 4. Ear plugs are good for drowning out the sounds of our next door roosters, and the alarm clock.

5. 5. Filipino kids are the cutest, especially my buddy, Daniel.

6. 6. Missionaries are often good at sharing, quite like Jesus commanded us in the Bible.

7. 7. You should always let the driver know a second time when you get off, or he will gun it through the traffic past your stop.

8. 8. If you want to live in the Philippines, you better like to eat rice. A lot.

9. 9. Some people say jet lag only lasts a short time, I disagree.

10. 10. My life has already been changed forever. For His Glory.

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