Thursday, April 28, 2011

The beauty of waiting

"Much, much stress results from your wanting to make things happen before their times have come. One of the main ways I assert My sovereignty is in the timing of events."

Written as JESUS in Jesus Calling

I have had this quote on my desktop for quite a while now. I have read it over and over, knowing that the words written by someone ring very true for what Jesus would say to me. There are many things in my life that I want to happen: mission field, marriage, children, further education; however, I know that the Lord has beautiful timing that is so much better than mine. My tendency is to hurry things up and just check them off my list. Living in the culture of the Philippines, where time is not of the essence and people are more important than a deadline or time schedule, I have really come to cherish waiting. At first I would “get my panties in a wad” (as we southerners like to say) when things didn’t happen when they were planned, but God has quietly whispered in my ear, “Wait my daughter, wait.” This has been a lesson that I feel like I have tried to learn over and over in my life. The Lord has now put me in a situation where I have been forced to wait. Maybe not on the big things in life, but I have learned how to wait for the little things. I am so thankful that the Lord chooses to teach me little lessons that I know will only make me more like Himself. So today, when you want to be in a hurry or find yourself being impatient, remember that the Lord chooses to display his divine Sovereignty in the timing of events. Even the little ones.

See you soon, Madison

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